when you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin
because when that coin is in the air...
you suddenly know what you're hoping for.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

local minimum III

picking at bones
to nail fleshy
organ on an        advertisement
(he played it
         so well)

look at her
words on the
corner of his

waiting for the ghosts to fall
on their heads
and turn into           men

an opaque voice leaps from his tombstone

                        it was like he was haunted or something

Local minimum II

I roll in this cusp
a line sprouts from my
dawdling in thecup of a

a ball moaning back and forth and
back and forth in

graveyards sprung from
his hard hard hand
the buildings swallow
chew carefully to
remind you
silence peers back
tilts his head
and you start to wonder
                                    if you’ve become
[        ]

it was like she was haunted or something