when you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin
because when that coin is in the air...
you suddenly know what you're hoping for.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"it's that familiar face. familiar smile. i know that voice. the same skip of a beat."

The chaotic background rushes at you, and you start to hyperventilate. Breathing gets ragged and the noise is too much. Like black hands with an evil grin, everything swoops at you knocking you cold, but you still feel the pain. The pain that haunts you, the stress that jabs at you. It's all there with the crowd that unceasingly keeps moving in a fury. But stop time for a bit. And watch everyone move in slow motion. And. Calm. Down. You're alone, and the only one moving in the frozen world. Deep breaths, and retrace your steps to that place you call happy.

Watch the water that spilled in the air drop slowly to the floor in sparkling droplets. How can such a simple thing turn into a most beautiful show? The only way to stop and smell the roses is to slow down. And likewise, to see the world as it is.