when you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin
because when that coin is in the air...
you suddenly know what you're hoping for.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"If I had the time I'd stop the world and make you mine And every day would stay the same with you" -Noel Gallagher

it's the spark that intrigues me. the beautiful flowering of something new. Fire. where the flowers burn, though itself a pattern of petals. i see them play with the wind, shrinking, leaping--all a game.
The candle light might waver with the breeze, but only to catch on the garments of the heart. Fire. it consumes all with its burning passion, but how long will it burn brightly? for in the end, only black ashes are left.
the heart was flimsy paper to start.

ah, my curious mind. this blank paper heart of mine. who will fill it with scribbled stories? when will it all burn away? as i peer into your world i wonder when i can fold my heart into a paper airplane 

and glide next to you.