when you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin
because when that coin is in the air...
you suddenly know what you're hoping for.

Friday, July 11, 2014

“There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

the day folds and bends
shimmering in the moment from afar
vanishing from your fingers

those hazy days when I wish I were the wind that waves softly goodbye and follows the air wherever whenever
to a perhaps, to a perhaps

pools of thought drip from dreaming clouds
leaking into minds wasting away starved in the hidden

is it love that we die for to fill the emptiness in our wandering souls
to find that the only lover we have
is death himself

nothing in this world is sure
but the trees keep growing
and this world keeps spinning
as if it has a purpose
a reason to

on and on it runs
with no thought
to hold its breath for at least a minute