when you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin
because when that coin is in the air...
you suddenly know what you're hoping for.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"See the sky blue even if it is gray"

Bittersweet. Endings. But they're only the beginning.
I've always noticed that whenever I meet new people, I always have to let go of them too soon. And it leaves just a bittersweet imprint on my mind. Happy memories but sad feelings. But I must thank you guys. I came to the place alone and found a family. I don't even speak the same language as you, and yet somehow I became part of your group. It's ironic. I can never really fit into groups and find myself hopping to different ones all the time, never really rooted in one. And now I find myself close to all of you when at times I have no idea what you're saying. Stupid? I'd say amazing. Music really is a universal language.
I cried so much that night. We all did. The baton broke and inside my heart jerked a little too. It was so sudden. I teared up a bit but when I saw you guys crying, that's when I started sobbing. Those warm hugs of yours....I'm going to miss them. Sincere words and sincere feelings. I will always remember how you guys held each other sobbing knowing that you might never see each other again. How painful it was to watch all of us cling on to each other desperately not wanting to let go...whispering "i love you" over and over again. Bonds run deep.
Maybe I was the only one who saw this. Tear stained and tired and I gazed around me. And I saw a lone bubble just floating around. It shined a beautiful rainbow and flit around in the night sky when it swooped to the floor. And with a touch it popped and was gone. It was gone. I felt like it almost symbolized our summer. Such a beautiful, precious time it was for us and suddenly it's over....And it felt as if those memories were going to fade away in an instant. But as I came to you crying like a lost child, you hugged me tightly. I'll always remember. Thank you for giving me so much happiness this summer. I can and will never be able to thank you all enough. I hope you know how much I love you guys.

te extraño. te amo. mucho.