when you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin
because when that coin is in the air...
you suddenly know what you're hoping for.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid"-Albert Einstein

This time my lights are on. The darkness has left me to shrivel in the glare of reality. I blast music to numb my mind but to no avail; my fears cloud my mind and ever so slightly squeeze my heart. And with each second, the pulse beats faster and faster speeding through the night. The grip tightens as I think of the future. Abstract and beautiful it swirls in front of you, and only you can shape it with your own hands. But those creations of mine always drip with black sludge. Tainted and ugly they trail behind me growing eyes to stare at my back and pierce my soul with glares. Of taunt. Of disdain. Of hatred. They all laugh at me. And I walk on afraid. The clutch around my heart grasps desperately again and my soul flickers under the pressure. The blood spurts and oozes out of the cracks in the hand and slowly dribbles on the gray floor. While I gasp and struggle, slowly dying.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

"every night I will sit alone in that dark corner, but every morning small rays of light will filter through the windows and raise me up"

I will be happy.
I will be sad.
I will be happy for you.
I will be sad.
I will be happy again.

What am I. I don't even know. What am I doing.

"Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to."

It's been on my mind for a while.
Trust. What is it? 

Many people before have told me "You can't trust anyone."
Today someone told me "You can't change the world. You can't change human nature."

It's...just so sad. 
I went home and cried later in the night. 

Why are we so sad? That we can't trust everyone.....
I feel like I'm thinking very naively.

but it feels so lonely.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"The people and friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...never forget them."-yuna

It's a warm day and a blowing, soft wind rustles my hair every so often. Lying down in a field of grass, I can spot the occasional flower with its petals shining under the sunshine. They sparkle in the corner of my eye, but the sky is what keeps me awake. Magnificent blue. That huge expanse leaves me in awe as I feel insignificant in the world... but I suddenly think of you. We're under the same sky and nothing can stop us. Can you see my heart from all the way over there? I'll stay here and watch the rain clouds roll in and feel the rain drops drizzle onto my face. The cool water, let it wash over me as I think through my thoughts. I"ll lie here and watch the sunset and rise. Hues of soft lavender melting with warm blue, or fiery bold colors of red and yellow. I'll sleep here and dream of the clouds floating lazily over head above the tall trees. Where are they going? To you I suppose. Let those shapes shift and dance and I will wish I were one of them. To float so freely and gracefully through the sky; flying seems exhilarating. Let's take pictures of the moon and the stars we see from afar and send them to each other . And while you're over there, and I'm over here, we can watch the world pass by together.

"it's that familiar face. familiar smile. i know that voice. the same skip of a beat."

The chaotic background rushes at you, and you start to hyperventilate. Breathing gets ragged and the noise is too much. Like black hands with an evil grin, everything swoops at you knocking you cold, but you still feel the pain. The pain that haunts you, the stress that jabs at you. It's all there with the crowd that unceasingly keeps moving in a fury. But stop time for a bit. And watch everyone move in slow motion. And. Calm. Down. You're alone, and the only one moving in the frozen world. Deep breaths, and retrace your steps to that place you call happy.

Watch the water that spilled in the air drop slowly to the floor in sparkling droplets. How can such a simple thing turn into a most beautiful show? The only way to stop and smell the roses is to slow down. And likewise, to see the world as it is.